Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Blabbing on Blabberize

Blabbing on Blabberize

Blabberize is the third tech tool I chose to investigate.   Blabberize is an online service that allows you to take a photo or drawing and make it talk.  It's a fun way to enhance your photos and drawings.
It allows you to bring them to life.

Blabbing made easy

The actual process of making a blabber is relatively easy, once you know how to.  The problem with making one, is that they really don't give you much instructions.  My initial attempt, I found to be quite frustrating because they didn't tell you what to do with the various screens that came up.  To find out how to manipulate the Blabberize site, I went to YouTube and reviewed a tutorial on it.  After I completed the tutorial, the process was rather easy.   You first need to have a photo or drawing already loaded to your picture file or have one from the web that you want to use.  After you have loaded it to the Blabberize site, then you need to position where you want the mouth to be.  One large bubble with eight smaller bubbles are used to outline the mouth.  You just place your mouse over the bubbles and place them in position around the mouth area.  There is one final bubble at the bottom of the others that is used to determine how low you want the mouth to open.  Once the mouth is positioned where you want it, you move on to the next screen to record what you want to say.  Now once on this screen you have three ways to record - by your internal microphone, a pre-recording or by phone in.  The easiest way is to use the internal mic.  Now you just talk, check your recording and then save.   Now you have a Blabber.

Blabbing in the classroom

As an example of a blabber, I chose to use it as a homework reminder. a fun way to assure that the students remember their homework assignments.  If you have a wikispace site you can set it up so parents can also review what is required for homework.  This tech tool can be used to make several (eg. book reports, biographies) projects fun.

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